OUR PERSONAL REVIEW: We carry TSD Logistics Diesel Fuel discount card (EFS CARD) to help save a little cash on our trips. Several times throughout the year we visit our Customers located in several different states. Instead of staying in Hotels along the way, we stay in our Super C 38′ Motorhome with 140 gallon diesel tank. Because we use the TDS Card, it gives us access to the truck lanes and the savings associated with the card. In these lanes you can fill your tank / tanks so much faster. Highly recommended. Check it out for yourself.
( A small little request: If you do choose to apply for the EFS Card, Please enter my name: Helen Hilman in the Referred By location on your application. It would be greatly appreciated. And I encourage you to tell your friends and family about it as well, and if you don’t want to use your name, they are welcome to use mine as well. Thank you in advance.)
This card isn’t a CREDIT CARD, it is attached to a bank account of your choice and draws directly from the money you have available in your account. I encourage you to follow the link directly to The Discount Fuel Program here ( https://www.tsdlogistics.com/services/fuel-program/ ), then if you are ready to start saving, follow this link (https://tsdv.loadtracking.com:8443/im/fuelcardapp ) that takes you directly to TSD’s Fuel Discount Application.
If you have any questions about how this card works, Contact: TSD Logistics, 7970 Hampton Rd, Texarkana, TX 75503 or call Toll Free: 800-426-7110